

3 Ways Companies Can Engage in Online Marketing

Over 4.95 billion people worldwide use the internet daily. Therefore, if companies do not have an online presence, they may as well not exist. Having an online presence is also helpful for businesses because it allows them to reach a wide range of customers and personalize content. While companies can handle their online marketing through an in-house marketing team, some organizations may find it easier to hire an internet marketing company. Online marketing companies can help businesses manage their social media, set up SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay-per-click campaigns), and create content such as blog articles, podcasts, and white papers. Let's go over these three online marketing techniques in more detail below.

Ways Companies Can Engage in Online Marketing

Social Media

Web59% of the global population uses social media, with the average person using it for two hours and 29 minutes a day. Therefore, it is important for companies to frequently post on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and TikTok. However, social media is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Companies should consider the type of business they are and the demographics they market their products or services towards. For example, LinkedIn is used for B2B (business-to-business) purposes, and most of its users are 25-34 years old. TikTok is geared more towards B2C (business-to-consumer) purposes. When used correctly, social media can be an excellent tool to increase a company's sales and revenue.

SEO and PPC Campaigns

WebSEO and PPC campaigns are another way companies can engage in online marketing. SEO stands for "search engine optimization." SEO is the process of increasing and improving website traffic by optimizing keywords. Search engines use bots to crawl pages on the web to collect information on web pages and group similar ones together. For example, someone could look up a phrase such as "best ice cream near me" and would then get search results from these crawled pages. The marketing team can research the most relevant keywords for the business and insert these keywords into the company's web pages. SEO is important because it allows the company website to appear on the first page of search engine results.

WebPPC (pay-per-click) is bidding on keywords, placing ads on advertising platforms, and paying the platform host whenever the ad is clicked. These advertising platforms include search engines such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo. When someone clicks on a PPC ad, it will lead them to the advertiser's website, usually directing them to a landing page. From here, the user can purchase a product or service from the company. For example, a pest control company can bid on the keyword "pest control" to get their ads to appear in search engine results. Companies can use tools such as Google Ads and Microsoft Ads to conduct PPC advertising campaigns. Social media networks such as Facebook and Instagram also offer pay-per-click advertising options. PPC advertising can also be used when displaying banner ads on websites related to the company's products or services. These tools allow marketing teams to target PPC ads to potential customers based on demographics such as age, gender, location, and interests. PPC ads can also be targeted to customers based on the devices they are using. PPC advertising is important because it allows companies to have better control over their ad spending and allows them to define the exact customers they want to target.

Content Creation

WebContent creation is another great way companies can engage in online marketing. Content creation is generating content that informs and appeals to a company's ideal customers. Content creation can include social media posts, blog articles, podcasts, and press releases. Social media posts can inform customers about the company while they are scrolling through their feeds. Articles and blog posts can easily inform website visitors about the company and its products or services. 10% of marketers have said that blog content generates the biggest return on investment. Blog posts can also be repurposed as YouTube videos. Podcasts can help companies provide information to customers in a way that they can consume in their downtime. Anyone can make a podcast and upload it to platforms like Spotify. Podcast topics can include interviewing influential figures in the industry or discussing industry trends. Company podcasts are ideal for the B2B space. Another way that companies can produce content is by creating white papers or ebooks. White papers and ebooks give customers a more in-depth look at products or industry practices than blog posts. White papers and ebooks can be downloaded from company websites. They are typically used in B2B marketing.


WebOnline marketing is no longer optional for companies. If companies want to survive during the digital age, they must engage in online marketing methods such as social media, SEO, PPC, and content creation. If businesses are looking to improve or enhance their online marketing strategy, they should hire one of the top online marketing companies in the USA. Zorbis is one of the top online marketing companies. We have provided digital marketing solutions to companies worldwide since 2003. For more information, visit Zorbis to schedule a meeting with a team of experts.

Posted By Silvia Smith
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