

8 Most Important Instagram Marketing Trends in 2024

Over the years, Instagram has experienced a remarkable surge in popularity. Originating as a straightforward photo-sharing application in 2010, it has now amassed a user base of over 1 billion active individuals globally. Instagram is especially popular among young people, with 90% of users under 35.

The visual nature of Instagram, combined with its focus on mobile, makes it a uniquely engaging platform for brands. Over 200 million businesses use Instagram because it provides an opportunity to engage with target audiences visually.

As Instagram evolves, marketing trends on the platform change as well. Staying up-to-date on the latest Instagram marketing trends is key for brands who want to reach and influence their audience on the platform effectively.

In 2024, some major Instagram trends are expected to dominate the platform. This article outlines the most essential Instagram marketing trends to watch in 2024 - from video to influencer marketing. Understanding these trends can help brands and marketers optimize their Instagram strategy in the coming year.

Video Marketing

Video content, concise form video, is dominating Instagram feeds in 2024. Instagram Reels have exploded in popularity, with users spending more time than ever watching entertaining and informative video clips right in the app.

Brands have begun dedicating more resources to producing viral, addictive Reels as a key part of their Instagram marketing strategy. Catchy Reels that showcase products in action or align with trending audio can capture millions of views and likes. Fun behind-the-scenes Reels give followers an inside look into company culture. Educational how-to videos meet the demand for bite-sized learning content.

Vertical video ads optimized for mobile are thriving as well. Video advertisements typically generate higher engagement rates when contrasted with static image ads. With auto-play enabled, short video ads can garner attention as users scroll through their feeds.

IGTV long-form vertical video has declined as users favor Reels for quick entertainment. However, IGTV still presents opportunities for live streams, interviews, and other premium video content better suited to the longer format.

Brands must evolve their Instagram video approach to focus on Reels and vertical ads over IGTV and horizontal video. Visually engaging short-form video that stops the scroll will be critical to reaching Instagram's video-hungry audience in 2024.

Influencer Marketing

It will continue to be a key trend in 2024, emphasizing nano and micro-influencers. Brands realize that partnering with influencers with smaller but highly engaged audiences can be more effective than working with celebs or mega influencers.

Nano-influencers typically have follower counts ranging from 1,000 to 10,000, while micro-influencers generally boast follower numbers between 10,000 and 50,000. What they lack in reach, they make up for in resonance. Their audiences trust them and see them as authentic experts in their niche. As a result, nano and micro-influencers generate higher engagement rates and conversions.

Working with a larger number of niche influencers allows brands to reach diverse audiences and tailor campaigns to specific products or regions. It's also more affordable than paying for a single post from a celebrity with millions of followers. Many micro-influencers are happy to work for free products or smaller fees.

In 2024, look for more brands to seek out their ideal nano or micro-influencers within the target demographics they want to reach. Identifying these hidden gems will become a key Instagram marketing skill.

Shoppable Posts Drive More Purchases

In recent years, a prominent trend in Instagram marketing has been the rise of shoppable posts. This functionality enables businesses to associate products with their Instagram posts and stories, empowering users to click on the product tag and seamlessly navigate to the brand's website product page for direct purchases.

According to a study by Coresight Research, over 130 million Instagram users tap on shopping tags in monthly posts. And Instagram itself reported that shoppable posts can drive a 4-5x increase in website clicks.

This trend will only accelerate in 2024 as ecommerce on social media continues to grow. Instagram is expanding shoppable posts to more types of content, including videos, carousels, and stories.

Businesses should take advantage of shoppable posts for the following benefits:

• Increase website traffic and sales conversions from Instagram

• Enable frictionless shopping for customers without leaving the app

• Promote new product launches and Limited Edition items

• Target users who have already expressed interest by engaging with related content

• Stand out from competitors who haven't adopted shoppable capabilities

The key is using shoppable posts strategically as part of the customer journey, not spamming every post. Place product tags on contextually relevant content that showcases the product in lifestyle situations or unique angles. This inspires audience members who see your post to learn more and purchase.

Augmented Reality Continues to Advance

Augmented reality (AR) features will become even more advanced and prevalent on Instagram in 2024. The platform has been steadily improving its AR effects and filters over the past few years. Expect this technology to reach new heights next year.

Some of the key AR trends to watch for include:

More immersive filters and lenses - Instagram filters will continue moving beyond just overlaying images or effects onto faces. Expect more filters that transform and interact with the entire environment around the user. These could place users into fantastical scenes or make it appear like wild animals are walking around them. The filters will become more responsive, dynamically changing based on the user's motions and surroundings.

Advances in facial mapping - Instagram's AR face filters already scan and map details of a user's face in order to overlay effects and skins accurately. The precision of this facial mapping technology will improve further, leading to filters, masks, and effects that feel more realistic and seamless. This better mapping enables more granular skin or makeup effects to be applied to certain areas of the face.

More interactive AR experiences - Some current Instagram filters have basic interactivity, like being able to "throw" effects off the screen or bounce AR objects around. Expect AR experiences in 2024 to become much more interactive, potentially enabling users to play augmented reality games or go on AR scavenger hunts within the Instagram Camera. Users can create their own interactive AR worlds to share.

New capabilities with body tracking - Instagram recently introduced the ability for filters to track bodies and apply effects to users' full figures. This technology is still in its early stages but will likely expand in 2024. Effects and avatars mapped to body movements and sizes could become famous, making filters feel like virtual costumes.

More branded and sponsored AR experiences - As AR technology advances, brands will likely leverage tools like shoppable filters that allow users to experience and interact with products through augmented reality. Sponsored filters and lenses for marketing campaigns or product launches will also continue growing.

AR visual effects on Instagram are becoming more adaptable, responsive, and realistic. 2024 will bring exponential improvements in this area, making filters fun add-ons and more immersive experiences users actively engage with. Brands that capitalize on these trends early can drive excitement, engagement, and sales.

Stories: Getting Creative with Ephemerality

Instagram Stories continue to be a popular way for brands to connect with the target audiences authentically. In 2024, look for brands to get even more creative with Stories.

Some ideas brands could explore include:

• Behind-the-scenes Stories that give fans a unique "access all areas" view of the brand. It could include sneak peeks at new products, a day in the life at company HQ, or a virtual seat at an exclusive event.

• Polls and Q&As to engage followers and get real-time feedback. Brands can ask for Opinions on new designs, test interest in potential products, or answer pressing FAQs.

• AR filters and interactive stickers add a playful element. Filters can tie in with campaigns or new product drops, while stickers allow followers to participate.

• Collaborations with influencers, employees, and fans. Handing over the Story reigns to others allows brands to tap into different perspectives.

• Shoppable Stories to enable in-app purchasing. This convenient feature lets brands tag products that followers can buy without leaving Instagram.

While Stories disappear after 24 hours, they present a big opportunity for brands to experiment and think outside the box. As long as the content feels authentic, creative Stories allow brands to grab attention and delight followers in the moment.

Live Video

Live video streaming on Instagram has exploded in popularity over the past few years. In 2024, expect more brands and influencers to use Instagram Live to engage with their audience in real time.

Live video is a great way to showcase behind-the-scenes footage, announce new products or sales, interact with followers, and create an authentic connection. Live video's spontaneous, raw nature helps build trust and loyalty with your audience.

One trend we'll see is more co-streaming, where multiple people can join a live broadcast together. Brands can collaborate with influencers to co-host live events and tap into each other's follower base. The conversational, back-and-forth dynamic makes for entertaining livestreams.

Instagram Live also offers interactive features like polls, Q&As, and comment reactions. Brands can leverage these to get instant opinions and feedback. Rewarding viewers through giveaways or shoutouts is another excellent engagement tactic.

As live video usage increases, we'll also see more creative approaches, like mini-shows, games, tutorials, and behind-the-scenes clips. The key is providing value and entertainment for your audience.

Brands that capitalize on Instagram Live stand to gain more authentic engagement and spur-of-the-moment content. It delivers an immediacy that sets it apart from polished, edited posts.

Leveraging User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) will continue to be essential to Instagram marketing in 2024. Brands that leverage UGC effectively can increase engagement, improve social proof, and showcase their products being used in real-world settings.

There are several best practices brands should follow:

• Make it easy for followers to tag your brand in photos and videos. It provides a steady stream of UGC to repost.

• Run contests and campaigns to encourage UGC creation around specific themes like "Show us how you use our product" or "Share your best photos of our product." Consider offering prizes or discounts to motivate participation.

• Repost top UGC across your Instagram feed and stories, tagging the creator each time. It recognizes your engaged users and shows their content to more followers.

• Feature UGC visuals in your ads to lend authenticity. Seeing real customers enjoy your product in ads performs better than stock imagery.

• Ask followers for permission to reuse their content in your marketing. Offer incentives in return through discounts, free products, or promotions.

• Curate a UGC gallery on your website or regularly feature a "Fan of the Week" on your blog. It expands its reach beyond just Instagram.

The key is making UGC integral to your strategy, not just an occasional repost. You can generate a visual content goldmine from your happy customers with creative incentives and campaigns.


As businesses increase their investment in Instagram marketing, tracking performance and optimizing efforts becomes even more critical. In 2024, brands should pay close attention to these key Instagram analytics:

Reach and Impressions - Monitor how many users your content is displayed to (reach) and how often it's seen (impressions). It indicates whether your content is resonating and appearing in feeds.

Engagement Rate - Calculate this by dividing engagements (likes, comments, shares) by impressions. Higher rates signal you're creating content that intrigues and involves your audience.

Saved - Users can save posts to curate content they want to revisit. A high percentage of saves shows you're producing valuable evergreen content.

Website Traffic - Track clicks from Instagram to your site. Optimizing Instagram as a traffic driver lets you attribute conversions to it and justify budgets.

Stories - View story completion rate, exits, replies, etc. Use this data to refine content and strategy for the fast-growing Stories format.

Hashtags - Monitor which hashtags drive the most traffic and engagement. Identify top performers to continue leveraging.

Demographics - Review audience age, gender, location, and more. Ensure your content matches up with your ideal customer demographics.

Content Analysis - Compare performance across different types of posts and topics. Double down on what resonates most with your audience.

With Instagram's powerful analytics, you can gain crucial insights to evolve your approach continually. Focus on metrics aligned with your marketing objectives to maximize results.


The trends in Instagram marketing are changing swiftly, demanding that brands remain abreast of the most recent advancements and optimal strategies. As we look ahead to 2024, video, influencers, and shoppable posts will likely be critical pillars of successful Instagram strategies. However, emerging innovations like augmented reality and advanced analytics will also shape content that resonates with users.

Instagram marketing in 2024 will call for brands to understand emerging tactics while mastering the fundamentals of captivating content. As new features develop, maintaining a test-and-learn mindset will be necessary. Creativity, innovation, and authenticity will be at the core of successful Instagram marketing strategies.

Posted By Silvia Smith
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