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FRIDAY, MAY 17, 2024

Online Reputation Management for Hotels: The Ultimate Guide [2024]

Online reputation management (ORM) refers to monitoring, managing, and improving a business's reputation online. For hotels, ORM has become whimsically essential in today's digital landscape, where reviews and social media greatly influence a hotel's goodwill and bookings. Online reviews significantly impact a hotel's ability to attract bookings. One report found that a 1% increase in a hotel's online review score can increase booking consideration by 0.54%. Positive reviews also increase click-through rates to hotel sites by 10% on average. On social media, user-generated content like photos and mentions shape a hotel's image and reach. The demographic similarity between guests and reviewers strengthens the influence of positive and negative reviews on booking intention. With the high stakes, ORM has become indispensable for hotels seeking to protect and improve their reputations online.
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8 Foolproof Strategies for Online Reputation Management in 2023

Your business's reputation can make or break the company. In today's digital age, that reputation is largely built online. A positive online reputation can help you attract new customers, retain existing ones, and build trust in your brand. But with all businesses vying for attention online, how can you stand out and improve your online reputation? Here are the top eight strategies to improve your business's online reputation.
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Best SEO Practices for 2023

When establishing an online presence, a company should properly optimize its website for search engines like Google and Bing. Practicing search engine optimization (SEO) is important because it makes a business more visible and increases the opportunities to attract new customers. Search engines use "bots" and "spiders" to find web results relevant to a user's question or phrase into the search engine.
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What to Know About Influencer Marketing in 2023

In 2023, influencer marketing will likely continue to be a popular digital marketing solution for companies across many industries. Influencers use their presence on social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and even LinkedIn to promote products across various industries, including fashion, beauty, food, and gaming. Businesses can partner with these influences to increase their own engagement and sales. Influencer marketing is estimated to have a market size of $21.1 billion in 2023
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Trends in Enterprise Web Design

Enterprise web design is the process of creating a series of web pages for a large corporation. An enterprise website is meant to inform visitors about the company’s purpose and its products or services. Let's take a look at current trends of enterprise web design.
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5 Ways Companies Can Improve Their Digital Marketing Strategies

Over 4.62 billion people are on some form of social media, so companies should prioritize advertising on social media. Businesses can determine their social media strategy by running a social media audit to examine the activity of their competitors and ideal customers. Let's take a look how you can improve
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The Definitive SEO Checklist to Boost Your Organic Traffic

Is your website collecting dust even after putting your best efforts into designing and developing your site. Are you experiencing a steep decline in your website traffic? Do you want to bounce back and boost your website traffic exponentially? This blog will cover the most efficient strategies to boost your organic traffic.
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