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FRIDAY, MAY 17, 2024

Online Reputation Management for Hotels: The Ultimate Guide [2024]

Online reputation management (ORM) refers to monitoring, managing, and improving a business's reputation online. For hotels, ORM has become whimsically essential in today's digital landscape, where reviews and social media greatly influence a hotel's goodwill and bookings. Online reviews significantly impact a hotel's ability to attract bookings. One report found that a 1% increase in a hotel's online review score can increase booking consideration by 0.54%. Positive reviews also increase click-through rates to hotel sites by 10% on average. On social media, user-generated content like photos and mentions shape a hotel's image and reach. The demographic similarity between guests and reviewers strengthens the influence of positive and negative reviews on booking intention. With the high stakes, ORM has become indispensable for hotels seeking to protect and improve their reputations online.
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