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Everything You Need to Know About Cloud Security in 2024

Robust cloud security is becoming more important as companies move to modern hosting platforms. Traditional network security alone will not do; businesses must protect their applications, mainly when hosted on the cloud. Building strong defenses around data centers is no longer enough in a world of cloud-based apps.
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MONDAY, JULY 15, 2024

Penetration Testing: Everything You Need to Know in 2024

Securing computer systems and their information is imperative in this age. Criminals are launching frequent and complex cyberattacks that target valuable data while also disrupting business operations. The healthcare industry, the e-commerce sector, and governments are among the most vulnerable, but none are entirely safe from these threats. One way to protect IT infrastructure and data from cyber attacks is through penetration testing, commonly known as pen tests. This proactive process ensures robust security measures by exposing possible weaknesses before malicious actors can exploit them.
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