

The Ultimate Guide to Enterprise Web Development in 2024

According to Business Research Insights, the global web development market size is expected to reach $89 billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 8.03%. There is rapid growth as more enterprises adopt digital transformation initiatives and move key business processes online.

Latest Trends and Technologies

Among the upswings in enterprise web development in 2024 are some of the following:

There has been a shift towards SaaS, PWAs, and headless CMS platforms. It has been witnessed that WordPress, Drupal, and Sitecore are used more frequently to support greater flexibility and omnichannel experiences.

Low-code/no-code platforms like Bubble, Webflow, and Appian make it easier for non-technical users to develop faster tools. In 2024, over 65% of all app development is expected to be low-code.

AI and machine learning for smart features such as AI chatbots and personalized recommendations; AI-powered predictive analytics… WPEngine says AI automation will continue dominating web development trends.

Omnichannel experience optimized with a mobile-first responsive design across devices. Mobile optimization is now becoming required for enterprise sites and web apps.

Adopting microservice architectures, APIs, and headless CMS to enable greater flexibility. Microservices and APIs allow easier integration with other systems.

Implementing DevOps processes and tools to enable faster and more robust development cycles. Trends like continuous integration/delivery help streamline web projects.

An increased focus on accessibility and inclusive design principles to ensure enterprise sites work for all users.

Benefits of Enterprise Web Development

Enterprise web development provides numerous benefits that can significantly improve business operations, brand experience, and workflows. Some key advantages include:

Centralized Control and Content Management - Enterprise sites allow centralized control over content, design, and information architecture through a CMS. This improves channel consistency and makes updating and managing content faster and easier.

Scalability - Enterprise web development uses modular, reusable code and cloud infrastructure to easily scale up or down to meet changing business needs. Sites can handle large traffic spikes and fluctuations in demand.

Integrations with Other Systems - Enterprise sites integrate with various backend systems, such as ERP, CRM, ecommerce platforms, databases, and more. This allows the easy flow of data between systems and unified customer experiences. APIs enable these seamless integrations.

Improved Productivity and Collaboration - Features like centralized CMS, workflow management, and access controls in enterprise sites improve cross-functional collaboration. Teams can easily share information and review content, leading to faster internal processes.

Better Brand Experience and Consistency - then it comes to business websites, they help maintain uniformity of UI/UX, messaging, imagery, and tone on all online platforms, strengthening brand awareness and trust.

Increased Security - Enterprise sites have strong security mechanisms such as access controls, encryption, VPNs, and regular patching. Therefore, customer data is safeguarded from unauthorized individuals or groups, ensuring conformity to the various laws.

Faster Deployment - Using standardized code, reusable components, and automated testing leads to quicker roll-out of new functionalities and upgrades of enterprise sites and web apps.

Data Analytics and Insights – They offer tracking features that enable users to optimize website performance based on data analysis for personalization purposes by identifying the problems encountered during the process to make smart business decisions.

Best Practices

Following best practices is crucial when undertaking enterprise web development. Aligning the website with overall business goals and end-user needs should be a top priority. Conducted user research, created user personas, mapped out user journeys, and continuously tested with real users to ensure the site met their goals and expectations.

Upfront planning for scalability and extensibility is also essential, as enterprise sites often quickly amass more traffic, data, and features. The architecture and tech stack should be able to handle growth smoothly. Building in APIs and integrations will enable connecting new apps and systems down the road.

Every enterprise site must pay attention to security, compliance, and governance. From the start, measures like access controls, encryption, and role-based permissions should be implemented. The site also needs to meet industry regulations and corporate policies.

Leveraging reusable components and microservices speeds development and simplifies maintenance. Components like headers, footers, sidebars, and widgets can be designed once and then reused. Microservices and APIs enable a modular approach.

Enabling collaboration between teams like developers, designers, content creators, and marketers is also key. A central CMS, project management software and shared design system empower teams to work together seamlessly.

Regular testing and optimization should occur after launch, too. Monitoring performance, running A/B tests, gathering feedback, and iterating will help the site continuously improve. Clean documentation and code comments also assist future maintenance.

Finally, web accessibility should be a top concern. Ensuring compliance with ADA and WCAG standards allows the site to be usable by all. Prioritizing inclusive design pays dividends.

Key Considerations

When embarking on an enterprise web development project, there are several key considerations to keep in mind:

Hosting Options

Will the website or web application be hosted on-premise or in the cloud? On-premise hosting provides more control but requires infrastructure and IT staff. Cloud hosting through AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud offers flexibility and scalability without hardware investment. Most enterprises are moving to the cloud for easier management.

Integration and Migration Planning

Enterprise systems rarely work in silos, so integration with internal databases, APIs, and other software platforms should be planned upfront. Legacy system migrations to new platforms also require extensive planning to prevent business disruptions. Setting integration and migration milestones is key.

Choosing Tech Stack

Selecting the right frameworks, languages, and tools for both front and backend development is critical based on project goals, developer skills, and tech stack preferences. Janbask Digital Design recommends open-source tech stacks for greater community support.

Budgeting and Cost Management

Developing realistic budgets upfront and tracking costs during ongoing development, testing, and deployment is vital. Building contingencies for potential roadblocks is wise. Leverage agile processes for better cost control.

Selecting a Web Development Partner

Choosing the right external development partner with enterprise experience can give access to specialized skills and best practices. Prioritize partners with expertise in systems integration, security compliance, and meeting enterprise governance needs.

Examples of Successful Enterprise Sites

Many impressive examples of enterprise websites and web applications demonstrate effective design, development, and functionality. Here are a few case studies of successful enterprise sites across different industries:

HSBC - The new and responsive website was launched by HSBC in 2018, focusing on personalization, consistency, and performance. It has adopted geo-targeting to deliver localized content, and it also supports over 30 languages with self-service capabilities for its customers. WPCharger mentions that the site, which belongs to HSBC’s undertaking, boasts well above 40 million monthly visitors and features a better loading time and conversion ratio.

Slack – More than 750,000 organizations worldwide use Slack's enterprise communication channel. Slack’s web and mobile applications have been built around collaboration with hundreds of other tools through APIs. Slack’s user interface is intuitive in terms of design, and it is highly responsive across all devices, allowing smooth communication flow. According to the history of web enterprise applications, Slack can be described as the most successful and widely adopted.

Target - Target's ecommerce website serves millions of customers daily. In 2017, Target rebuilt its front end using React and Node.js, improving site speed and stability. Advanced personalization and consistent branding across devices help drive sales. Target's enterprise site integrates online and offline data to deliver personalized recommendations and location-based inventory data.

These examples highlight how effective enterprise sites balance scalability, security, design, and integration to create great user experiences and meet business goals.

How to Choose an Enterprise Web Development Partner

Selecting the right enterprise web development partner is crucial for the success of your project. Here are some key factors to evaluate when making your decision:

Expertise and experience - Look for proven experience building enterprise-scale web apps, expertise with your required tech stack, and experience in your industry.

Development processes - Ensure they follow established development methodologies and best practices for enterprise web projects.

Communication and collaboration - Evaluate their project management process and how they communicate with clients throughout the project lifecycle.

Scalability and performance - Review examples of how they've built enterprise sites to scale and optimize performance.

Security - Ask about their security protocols, compliance, and experience building secure enterprise apps.

Some key questions to ask potential partners:

• How do you ensure quality and on-time delivery for enterprise projects?

• What is your typical development process and methodology?

• How do you support and maintain enterprise web apps post-launch?

• What security measures do you have in place?

• Can you provide referrals from past enterprise clients?

Watch out for these warning signs when evaluating partners:

• Lack of direct experience with enterprise web development.

• Vague answers about processes or unwillingness to provide details.

• Limited examples of previous work in your industry.

• Poor communication or lack of transparency.

When ready to start the process, create a request for proposal (RFP) outlining your project goals, timeline, budget, and requirements. Review portfolios and have detailed discussions before selecting the ideal partner for your needs.


Enterprise web development is rapidly transforming as businesses rely on digital experiences to engage customers and drive growth. By adopting the latest technologies and following key best practices, companies can build enterprise sites and apps that provide centralized control, enhanced security, seamless integrations, and superior performance at scale.

Businesses can gain a competitive advantage by starting enterprise web development initiatives now and choosing the right strategic technology partners. The time is now to build forward-thinking but pragmatic solutions that create value for both customers and the organization.

Contact our team of experts to learn more about how to embark on an enterprise web development program. At Zorbis, we have a proven track record of building sophisticated web solutions that drive ROI while being user-friendly and flexible. Let's discuss your goals and start planning your next-generation enterprise site today.

Posted By William Fitzhenry
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