

Web Development Trends in 2024: What to Watch Out For

The world of web development is constantly evolving. What's hot this year might be obsolete in just a couple of years. New frameworks, languages, and techniques emerge, while older ones fade away. For developers, keeping up with the latest trends is crucial for staying relevant and providing the best solutions for clients or employers. The pace of change can be dizzying, but also exciting!

As we move into 2024, the web dev landscape will likely look quite different than it does today. Some major trends are already taking shape that will dominate the near future. In this post, we'll look at the most important web development trends to keep an eye on as we head toward 2024 and beyond. By understanding what's coming down the pipeline, you can skill up accordingly and put yourself in a great position to capitalize on the next big things.

The coming years promise to bring innovative new technologies, shifting best practices, and opportunities to create outstanding digital experiences. Read on to find out what you should be watching out for!

AI and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and machine learning will continue to transform web development in 2024. As AI algorithms grow more advanced, they will be able to write their own code with increasing effectiveness.

AI-generated code has the potential to accelerate development cycles and allow developers to focus on higher-level tasks. Companies like GitHub and TabNine already offer AI pair programmers that can suggest line completions as developers type.

More intelligent AI systems may someday write full programs with minimal human input. They can analyze project specifications and developer needs to generate custom code. However, AI-written code still faces challenges around maintaining accuracy, integration, and responding to unique edge cases.

Developers in 2024 will likely leverage AI as a productivity tool, while still reviewing and editing any auto-generated code. AI won't fully replace human programmers yet, but it will significantly automate routine coding tasks. The rise of AI will require developers to focus on supervision, quality assurance, and translating business needs into the inputs that drive automated coding.


WebAssembly will continue its rise as a way to increase web app speed and efficiency in 2024. Designed as a portable bytecode format for the web, WebAssembly allows code written in languages like C/C++ and Rust to run in web browsers at near-native speeds. This makes it possible to run performance-critical code on the web efficiently.

In 2024, we'll see more libraries and frameworks compiled to WebAssembly from various languages. For example, Blazor from Microsoft allows running .NET code on WebAssembly. WebAssembly will also enable more computationally intensive web apps like games, 3D renderers, video/image editors, etc. to run smoothly in the browser.

Browser adoption of WebAssembly is already excellent. Combining this with improved tooling and availability of code in WebAssembly format will drive increased usage. WebAssembly has the potential to be a game-changer in ensuring consistently performant web app experiences across devices.


The Jamstack architecture will continue to grow in popularity. Jamstack stands for JavaScript, APIs, and Markup. It's a modern web development architecture based on client-side JavaScript, reusable APIs, and prebuilt Markup.

With Jamstack, sites are built using static site generators like Gatsby, Next.js, Nuxt.js, and more. The static pages are then deployed to a CDN. Any dynamic functionality is handled by JavaScript and APIs.

There are several benefits to Jamstack:

• Faster performance - Sites are served as static assets, avoiding server load.

• Higher security - No backend servers means reduced surface area for attacks.

• Cheaper hosting - Static sites can be hosted on a CDN for pennies.

• Easier scaling - CDNs handle caching and distributed delivery.

• Simpler development - Templating systems separate markup from content.

As Jamstack matures and more frameworks and services become available, it will likely become the standard architecture for many web projects. The simplicity and speed of static sites make Jamstack very attractive both for developers and end users. Expect Jamstack usage and capabilities to grow rapidly over the next few years.

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 will see increased adoption of blockchain, cryptocurrency, NFTs, and metaverse technologies. This next evolution of the internet aims to decentralize power and data through blockchain networks like Ethereum.

With Web 3.0, transactions and applications will incorporate crypto assets and operate via smart contracts on the blockchain instead of centralized servers. User identities, digital assets, payments, and more will be managed on blockchain through crypto wallets.

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) will likely grow as unique digital assets representing virtual objects like artwork, collectibles, real estate, videos, and more. The metaverse will evolve as well, with virtual worlds and economies springing up.

Major tech companies are investing heavily in metaverse and crypto efforts. However, challenges around volatility, regulation, environmental impact, and mass adoption remain. Overall, Web 3.0 represents a potential paradigm shift in internet architecture and ownership, though mainstream integration will take time.


Mobile browsing has surpassed desktop browsing. More people access the internet from their phones and tablets than their computers. In 2024, this trend will continue to accelerate.

Businesses must adopt a mobile-first mindset when developing websites and apps. Optimizing for the mobile experience should be the priority, not an afterthought. People expect sites to work flawlessly on their mobile devices. If a site is clunky, slow or difficult to use on a phone, visitors will quickly click away.

Progressive web apps (PWAs) will become more prevalent, offering app-like functionality combined with the reach of websites. Features like push notifications and offline mode provide a native app experience on the mobile web.

Page speed and loading times will be even more crucial. With slower connections, mobile sites that take too long to load will result in massive bounce rates. Performance tuning and optimization will need to happen from the start of development.

Mobile commerce will also continue to dominate. Customers want seamless shopping experiences right from their phones. E-commerce sites must cater to mobile users with easy checkout processes and secure payment systems.

The move to 5G and advances in mobile technology will enable more rich web experiences. Sites can leverage device features like location, AR/VR, voice, and cameras. The possibilities for immersive and interactive mobile sites will expand exponentially.

Web Accessibility

Web accessibility is set to become an even more critical focus for web development in 2024 and beyond. With growing awareness of disabilities and inclusion, meeting accessibility standards like WCAG 2.1 will be crucial.

One major reason is increased enforcement and lawsuits regarding the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). Organizations that fail to make their websites and apps accessible open themselves up to hefty legal and financial penalties. Word is spreading that ADA website compliance is not just "nice to have," but a legal obligation.

So in the coming years, demand for accessibility expertise will likely surge. More web developers and designers will need training in inclusive design principles. Testing accessibility early and often during development will become standard practice.

There are also ethical factors driving increased focus on accessibility. Many organizations strive for diversity, equity, and inclusion as core values. Building digital products that exclude people with disabilities obviously conflicts with those goals. Expect accessibility to be an area where organizations aim higher than just minimum legal requirements.

User experience considerations also come into play. Accessible sites enjoy better search performance, compatibility, ease of use, and conversion rates. So in many ways, high accessibility aligns with good business outcomes beyond just compliance. Web development teams would do well to prioritize it sooner than later.

Web Security

With cyberattacks and data breaches on the rise, web security will be more crucial than ever in 2024. Developers will need to prioritize encryption, authentication, and authorization to protect user data and prevent attacks.

Common threats like cross-site scripting, SQL injection, and cross-site request forgery will continue, so input validation and sanitization will remain important. New attack vectors may emerge with the growth of Web 3.0, presenting challenges to blocking malicious actors.

End-to-end encryption will likely become standard for websites handling sensitive user data. The use of HTTPS and SSL/TLS certificates must be universal, as unencrypted HTTP traffic poses huge risks.

Multi-factor authentication will provide an extra layer of protection beyond usernames and passwords. Biometrics, hardware tokens, and authentication apps help prove identity and prevent account takeovers.

Authorization techniques like OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect allow secure delegation of access without exposing credentials. API keys, access tokens, and JWTs will help lock down APIs and microservices.

Web application firewalls and DDoS protection services can monitor and block suspicious traffic. Security headers like CORS and CSP help tighten browser security. Penetration testing and audits will catch vulnerabilities before attackers do.

verall, the challenges around web security will intensify as threats get more sophisticated. Developers must make security a priority or risk compromising user trust.

Legacy Tech Decline

Many legacy web technologies that have been around for decades will continue to decline in popularity and usage in 2024. Two big examples are Flash and cookies.

Flash rose to prominence in the 2000s as a tool for building interactive animations, games, and rich web applications. However, Flash has been declining for years due to security and performance issues. Major browsers started blocking Flash content by default, and Adobe officially discontinued Flash at the end of 2020. In 2024, any remaining Flash content will be extremely minimal.

First-party cookies have been a core part of website tracking and analytics for a long time. However, privacy concerns around third-party cookies have grown enormously. Google has announced that Chrome will phase out third-party cookies by 2024. Safari and Firefox are also implementing restrictions. As cookies decline, websites will need to find alternate methods for personalization, ads, and analytics.

So in 2024, legacy web tech like Flash and some uses of cookies will be fading remnants. Newer technologies focused on privacy, speed, and capabilities will have fully taken their place in building the websites of the future.

To Sum It Up

As we've seen, web development is evolving rapidly. In 2024, trends like AI, WebAssembly, Jamstack, and Web 3.0 will shape the landscape. It's an exciting time, but also a challenging one to keep up with the latest advancements.

The key is to stay nimble and continuously learn. Attend conferences, read blogs, experiment with new frameworks, and collaborate with others. Consider upskilling in areas like machine learning, blockchain, and PWAs. Legacy systems will gradually decline, so it's prudent to keep your skills current.

The trends outlined here are just a sampling of what's to come. With so much change underway, the specifics are impossible to predict precisely. But the overarching direction is clear - towards more powerful, secure, and immersive web experiences.

Zorbis is one of the top web development companies in the USA. We are located in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex but assist clients worldwide. We have provided web development services to organizations of all sizes and industries since 2003. For more information, visit Zorbis to schedule a meeting with a team of experts.

Posted By Silvia Smith
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